Country Roads…

August 2023 began a significant chapter in my life – pursuing a Doctorate of Musical Arts (Composition) at West Virginia University. This opportunity became a reality thanks to being awarded a Provost Fellowship. This journey holds profound personal meaning for me, a testament to the unwavering support of my wife and life partner, Bethany, and my children. Their encouragement has fueled my quest for learning and the continuous advancement of my craft.
Delving deeper into the scholarly study of music at this advanced academic level is a dream come true. My journey towards crafting a career in the realm of music has been anything but predictable – perhaps a tale for another blog post in the future. Yes, the schedule is hectic, but I cherish the ability to walk my kids to the bus and have family dinners on more days than not when I am not driving to and from Morgantown.
Morgantown, WV, holds a special place in my heart as it's my birthplace. My parents, too, have a unique connection with WVU, having met as undergraduate students in the music school. Although my memories from those early years are faint, I recall the occasional trips back, savoring their favorite restaurants and reconnecting with cherished friends. Don Wilcox, the Director of Bands at that time, and his wife has remained a friend and mentor to my parents, a connection that endures to this day.
At this moment, I'm ecstatic to engage with the remarkable faculty at WVU, particularly the esteemed composition faculty – Matthew Heap, Alan Hankers, David Taddie (Emeritus), and Jake Sandridge, among others. The path ahead presents a blend of challenges and opportunities. I eagerly anticipate this intense learning period with a deeper appreciation for scholarly work and its influence on my creative expression.
Yet, this journey isn't solely about personal milestones. It unfolds during an uncommon period, marked by substantial transformations within the university (I have liked two articles to the right). Since August, as I ventured into this new academic endeavor, WVU has been in a state of transformation. Changes in policies and programs have cultivated an atmosphere of uncertainty and change. Although different from the expectations I initially held for my university experience, it's important to emphasize that this doesn't reflect negatively on the faculty or programs within the creative arts. The faculty in the music school is world-class and has shown unwavering support throughout these changes. The programs are still incredible.
Through this blog, I intend to share a bit about my academic journey and provide insights into how this period of transformation at WVU influences and shapes my musical pursuits. Here's to playing the changes.
PS - Despite the demanding schedule, I am still an Adjunct at MPSOM. I thoroughly enjoy our growing composition studio and the talented undergraduate students who walk into my classes each week. Fantastic things are happening!