Perspective: Create & Inspire

Sapphire: A Collection
I view Sapphire as a collection—musical experiments and sonic gems that I have gathered together. Each track has its own distinct personality, but they all share a common spirit of exploration.

Visit my Home Studio!
I'm excited to share my setup as we start off this new academic year. I'm always tweaking my setup, and I know everyone has their own unique studio preferences. This has been years of collecting and upgrading. I am certainly going to continue to upgrade as I can.

Five Narratives for Piano
I'm calling the piece 'Five Narratives for Piano,' not because I'm assigning any specific story to work, but because I believe each movement has a distinctive character that can take the listener on a musical journey through the artist's interpretation. When I say 'narrative', I'm referring to the artist's point of view when they perform the piece. As I perceive it, each character is a musical gesture (or two) that persists throughout the movement.

“Establishing Yourself” for the Undergraduate: The Importance of Community, Feedback, and Continued Learning
I have been receiving questions from undergraduate students asking for advice on how they can establish themselves in composition. Unfortunately, there is no simple or quick answer to these questions. In today's world of social media and blog posts, where anyone (including myself) can share their opinions, it is essential to use your critical thinking skills when evaluating information that may seem like a "5 easy steps" solution. While I am sure there are “Tips and Tricks” that are worth considering, the answers to the establishment question depend heavily on the individual's situation and context.

2023 in review
At the end of another year, I think it is only natural to take a moment and reflect on the journey traveled at this marker and the experiences that have had a role in shaping us. For me, 2023 has been filled with a roller coaster of emotions, marked by moments of heartache, hope, and adventure. In this post, I reflect on the past year with gratitude for the lessons learned and the connections forged. Then, at the bottom, list my favorite professional/musical moments from this last year.

Why “Create & Inspire?”
"Create & Inspire" represents the belief that music can be a positive force that connects people and challenges their way of thinking. On the surface level, "Create" emphasizes the act of crafting music and embracing the role of an artist, while "Inspire" recognizes music's inherent power to move, stir, and motivate others. It symbolizes the profound impact that music can have on the human spirit, sparking emotions, storytelling, and deep contemplation.
This commitment to using music for societal engagement acknowledges its ability to unite individuals and provoke meaningful interaction. I recognize my role as a creator and catalyst for positive change, fostering connections and transformation through music.

Country Roads…
August 2023 began a significant chapter in my life – pursuing a Doctorate of Musical Arts (Composition) at West Virginia University. This opportunity became a reality thanks to being awarded a Provost Fellowship. This journey holds profound personal meaning for me, a testament to the unwavering support of my wife and life partner, Bethany, and my children. Their encouragement has fueled my quest for learning and the continuous advancement of my craft.

Can(n)ons: Between Now & Then
The title, "Can(n)ons," carries a play on words that underpins the piece's essence. In music, a "canon" refers to a contrapuntal technique involving imitative entrances, often taught through oral tradition across various cultures. For this composition, I chose the well-known canon melody of "Frère Jacques" as the foundation. The word "cannon" also conjures images of powerful devices launching projectiles with explosive force over great distances. Playing with these ideas became integral to shaping "Can(n)ons" and infusing it with layers of meaning and symbolism.

About “A Bird’s-Eye View” - Grade 1 Band
The South Allegheny band program recently commissioned a musical piece to honor Karen Kadar, an elementary band director who dedicated 30 years of her life to the South Allegheny School District (Pittsburgh, PA) band program. As a dedicated birdwatcher and music educator, Karen's unique interests were incorporated into the piece, which was written for the beginning band.

About “Spark and Fire” four essays for wind ensemble
n today's fast-paced world, anxiety has become a common human response that is further amplified by the connectivity of social media. Dealing with anxiety is often uncomfortable, but it is a genuine part of how we all experience the world. In fact, we even have popular apps on our smartphones even remind us to breathe. As a composer, I wanted to explore this topic and created a musical composition called "Spark and Fire," which is a series of four musical essays on anxiety.

Volunteering with your local Music Education Association
There is value in service and citizenship in music. It was always crucial in how I teach music and undoubtedly has a significant role in my overall perceptions and priorities, even when writing. As music teachers, we have the opportunity to make a significant impact on the lives of our students. However, you can also extend your reach by volunteering as a music teacher for your local Music Education Association officer positions.